March is a jammed packed magickal energy month that everyone can benefit from, but have to avoid the pitfalls. You can side step the pitfalls by learning how to work with their energies.
I talked about some of March’s energy in my newest article posted on my substack site called March’s Energy Climate ForeCast in Politics.
The retrogrades will have their influence felt throughout the month of March. However, the new and full moon eclipses will be the show stoppers. In general eclipses are harbinger of change. Eclipses helps with personal growth, evolution. It can lead to positive turning points. They symbolize endings and beginnings and represent the cycle of life and death.
To work with any energy portal, you can start to work with it up to three days before and up to three days after. With retrogrades I would start to work with its energy 3 days before the planet would station retrograde.
March’s full moon is on the 14th, and is called the blood moon and is a total lunar eclipse. It will be in the zodiac sign of Virgo. The magickal correspondence of Virgo is Archangel Metatron, crystal moss agate, element earth, goddess Persephone, herb thyme. Virgo is all about the Virgin archetype with the return of the goddess Persephone from hades. Persephone brings with her the return of the Spring equinox which is when the crops and flowers start to grow. The veil thins as she crosses over to earth side. Which starts around Feb 1st, you know it when you start to feel the stirrings of the earth. It is the time when the new growth starts. And then Persephone fully returns on the Spring Equinox.
The Spring equinox is on March 20th/21st and is in the zodiac sign of Aires. The magickal correspondence of the zodiac sign of Aires is Archangel Uriel, crystal pyrite, element fire, goddess Brigid, herb dragon’s blood.
This full moon is a total lunar eclipse and its magick is all about emotional release, cleansing and transformation. Some key points to work with this eclipse’s energy are:
. emotional introspection/review
. release and letting go
. symbolic death and rebirth
. Thinning of the Veil (it does not only happen in October) it is where it’s easier to connect and communicate with spirit.
. rituals to do during total lunar eclipse would be in personal transformation.
The new moon in March is on the 29th in Aires and it is a total solar eclipse. You can refer to Aires magickal correspondences listed above for the spring equinox. This new moon is a total solar eclipse. Solar eclipses can influence society and world events. They may mark significant shifts in political climates, technological advancements, or cultural changes.
Some astrologers indicate that something could happen in the seat of US government around the time of the Spring Equinox as it is between the lunar and solar eclipses. Pres Trump branded his policies as the New Golden Age of America. It was put in place as he campaigned for the presidential election which was on Nov 4th 2024. In between that time, he survived two assassination attempts. Those are the only ones we know about. Now as of Jan 20th, 2025 after being duly sworn in as President his policy of New Golden Age of America is ground and active and will bring new different positive changes for us here in America. It is the death of the old ways and we are now emerging into the new dawn/ the golden age.
Total solar eclipse energy its magick is about reflection, renewal, and rebirth.
As you can see these are re words and can also be utilized in your energy work, magickal and spiritual practice with the retrogrades that are happening with in the month of march as well.
During a solar eclipse, one can take advantage of the powerful cosmic event to initiate a reset in their life. Perform rituals or ceremonies that resonate with you and represent the transformation you desire. You can do so in your energy work, magickal and spiritual practices with journaling, meditating, create a sacred space, connect with nature.
During these times it is good to ground yourself and focus on your goals an intention as it can bring about positive major life changes….
Thank you, Janelle for liking my article on the Mystic Month of March. What did you like about it and what will you use in your spring and new and full moon celebrations?
Thank you, Larry, for liking my article on Mystic Month of March. What peaked you interest in my article.